


Role: Independent Learning


By March 2nd I intended to learn how to create a simple program using the language GLSL. I know this task is completed due to me having a working program that is running on GLSL. I was setting this goal so that later on I can write improved graphical effects in the game engine’s rendering pipeline for when I start working on the game. The deadline that I had set for myself was on March 2nd which was realistic.


Training Sources

Before I started learning I needed resources so that I could understand what I was making. The sources I used, and will use are all compiled into a document that is linked below.

Training Timeline

I intended to be able to make and control the curves of colors by March 2nd, starting 2 weeks before. The first week was spent downloading all the tools that I needed, and setting them up so that they could work together. After I completed this I spent the rest of the time reading through The Book of Shaders and watching the videos on linear algebra by 3Blue 1Brown. I managed to learn the basics of curves and such before I had initially expected.

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